
Toll-Free A2P SMS Registration


Welcome to Toll-Free A2P messaging on FreeClimb. With Toll-Free A2P messaging, you will be able to send and receive messages on toll-free phone numbers to/from your application(s).To get you up and running, please provide the below information.

FreeClimb Toll-Free A2P SMS Registration

Pro Tip

Off-Net Toll-Free Phone Number A2P SMS-Enablement

If you want to SMS-enable a non-FreeClimb phone number, you will need to download a Letter of Agency (LOA) for the requested numbers and send to [email protected].Once the LOA is received, we will initiate the process for A2P SMS-enablement and inform you when the requested number(s) will be available to manage in the FreeClimb dashboard.

Note: an off-net toll-free number will be enabled for toll-free A2P SMS traffic only. Voice traffic will not be ported to FreeClimb.

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